紋章学者の部屋 The Crest Scholar's Office
Crest Scholar's Office
ハンネマン: 来て早々だが、この装置を使って君に紋章の力があるかを確かめさせてくれ。
Hanneman: Say, while you're here...I'd like to use this device I designed to determine whether the power of a Crest resides within you. Won't hurt a bit. Promise.
You don’t know about Crests? Well, allow me to tell you everything–absolutely everything–about them. Is your calendar clear? This will take a while.
clear one's calendar 予定を開ける
ハンネマン: さて、まずは紋章とは何か、であるな。……紋章とは、力だ。
Hanneman: Crests are a fascinating topic, but before one can dive deeply into said topic, one must first understand what Crests are. They are power incarnate.
They are said to have been bestowed upon humans by the goddess countless ages ago. They exist within the flesh, and are passed down through bloodlines.
Those who carry crests may excel at magic, display exceptional strength, or any number of boons.
Each Crest has its own power, the nature of which is beyond mortal understanding. For now.
Byleth: その紋章が自分にも? And you believe I have a Crest?
ハンネマン: どうかな、調べてみなければわからぬよ。
Hanneman: I suspect as much, yes. But we won’t know for sure unless I look into the matter.
As I said, Crests are passed down through the blood.
However, just because someone carries a Crest does not necessarily mean their descendants will inherit it as well.
Only a scarce few descendants of a Crest’s bloodline end up inheriting that Crest’s power.
Perhaps one of your ancestors bore a Crest, and you just happened to inherit it.
That is how a Crest usually presents itself, after all.
Choice 1: 調べてくれ Do what you can to find out. *Hanneman up
ハンネマン: うむ、もちろんだ。すぐにでも調べるとも。
Hanneman: Yes, of course. I'll get to the bottom of it straight away.
Choice 2: 調べなくていい There's no need to look into it.
ハンネマン: いや、そうもいかない。我輩は教団で紋章の研究をしていてね。
Hanneman: I most strongly disagree! There absolutely is a need. My Crest research is of critical importance to the church, I'll have you know.
Since you are now a professor here, I must insist that you aid in my research.
Of course...there are those who lack the foresight to aid in my endeavors, such as that stubborn Seteth. But such individuals are the rare exception.
ハンネマン: さあ、この装置の上に手を伸ばしてくれたまえ。
この世にまだ我輩の知らぬ紋章が存在したとは……! 格別の刺激だ!
Hanneman: Now then, please go ahead and hold out your arm over this device here.
What is this?!
A pattern I’ve never seen before… Is it possible an as-yet undiscovered Crest has been detected?
To think there are still Crests out there that even I am unaware of! How thrilling!
ハンネマン: ……うむ、興奮してしまった。さあ、もう出て行ってくれて結構だ。
Hanneman: Ahem… Pardon my unrestrained jubilation. I have much to consider. You may leave now.
I have more research to do in regard to this Crest. Yes, so very much more research. But for now, your work here is done.
ハンネマン: ふむ、この線……何を意味しているのか。対称性の欠如とでも言うべきか、む……
こちらは、いったい? そうか……もしやこれは一部で、もっと大きな……
Hanneman: Hmm… What could this line here be indicating? Perhaps it represents a lack of symmetry… or perhaps…
What in the world? Oh, I see… It may be connected to that, but to a greater degree than usual…
Byleth: ………………。...